The Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] announced the availability of the FY2015 Continuum of Care [CoC] Program Competition on September 18 2015. Community members and key stakeholders in the Northern Panhandle Continuum of Care (NPCOC) are hereby notified of the announcement. To ensure the maximum score possible, the local deadline for submitting an application for funding is 7:59:59 p.m. Eastern standard time on November 18 2015. For full details on the funding available and the application process, visit
NOTE: the NOFA was revised and updated by HUD on September 24 2015; please ensure the most recent and up-to-date copy of the NOFA is referenced.
As the designated lead agency for the NPCOC, the Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless is the registered applicant responsible for submitting all parts of the FY2015 CoC Consolidated Application, which includes the CoC Application, CoC Priority Listing and the Project Application(s). Please consult the FY2015 Notice of Funding Availability [NOFA] for the Continuum of Care Program Competition, Funding Opportunity Number FR-5900-N-25 and Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number 14.267, at Additional information on the competition is available at
As outlined in the NOFA, HUD has emphasized the fact deficient project applications prolong the review process and result in delayed funding announcements, lost funding for CoCs due to rejected projects and delays in funds to house and assist homeless individuals and families which this funding is intended to serve. As a result, local Continuums of Care have been instructed to closely review all project application proposals in order to ensure that:
1. all proposed program participants will be eligible for the program component type selected;
2. the proposed activities are eligible under the 24 CFR part 578;
3. each project narrative is fully responsive to the question being asked and that it meets all of the criteria for that question as required by this NOFA and included in the detailed instructions provided in e-snaps;
4. the data provided in various parts of the project application are consistent; and
5. all required attachments correspond to the attachments list in e-snaps and the attachments contain accurate and complete information, and are dated between July 1, 2015 and November 20, 2015.
The information contained in this notice is intended to comply with the guidance provided in the NOFA and was drawn from sections including: Local Competition Deadlines; CoC Transparency; CoC Review of Project Applications; Strategic Resource Allocation; CoC Program Implementation; Project Renewal Threshold and; Application and Submission Information: CoC Consolidated Application.
In accordance with the collaborative process for the development of an application outlined in 24CFR578.9, the NPCOC has established the following internal competition deadlines to submit a funding application to HUD by 7:59:59PM Eastern time on November 20 2015:
To ensure submission of the full application by this deadline, agencies interested in submitting a project application must send a written Letter of Intent to the NPCOC lead agency no later than October 9 2015. To ensure timely delivery, send an email with the subject line FY2015 NOFA Letter of Intent to; if email is not available, telephone 304-232-6105 and ask to speak with Phil Rhein for information on an alternate submission method and to ensure receipt of the Letter of Intent. All proposal submissions must be presented to the NPCOC for independent review and ranking no later than October 20 2015.
The NPCOC will notify all applicants in writing no later than November 5 2015 whether the application will be included as part of the FY2015 NPCOC Consolidated Application submission. In order to ensure the NPCOC receives bonus scoring points allowed by the NOFA through early submission during this year’s competition, a full and complete Project Application must be submitted on the e-Snaps website no later than 4:59:59pm Eastern time on November 18 2015 to ensure all parts of the Collaborative Application are confirmed for submission with an eligible date and time stamp. At that time, a copy of the NPCOC Consolidated Application will be posted on the Coalition website at
The NPCOC Ranking and Review Process used to evaluate all Project Applications is included with this notification; all potential applicants should be aware of the process which will be used to evaluate and rank any applications for inclusion in the NPCOC Consolidated Application submission. It should be noted that emergency shelter programs are not an eligible component of the CoC Program Competition. Further details on developing the application are outlined in the NPCOC Memorandum of Understanding signed by member agencies and local stakeholders participating in the Continuum of Care.
To be eligible for funding under this NOFA, project applicants must be a member of the NPCOC and must meet all statutory and regulatory requirements in the McKinney-Vento Act as modified by the HEARTH Act and the CoC Program interim rule (24CFR part 578).
Projects submitted in response to the FY2015 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program NOFA will be evaluated and ranked as follows:
1. A neutral committee of at least three individuals will be appointed to review and rank all project submissions to accept or deny the continuation of renewal projects and rank any new project proposals. Committee members should be familiar with housing and homeless needs and be willing to review projects with the best interest of homeless persons in mind (Neutral means individuals who are not employees, staff or otherwise have a business or personal conflict of interest with the applicant organizations).
2. Rating and ranking will be done by the individuals appointed to the committee; the rating and ranking committee should select a lead facilitator. Final affirmation and ranking for projects must be put into writing and signed by members of the committee.
3. In accordance with existing NPCOC Memorandums of Understanding [MOU], priority will be given to projects which:
a. preserves or expands permanent supportive housing; or
b. utilizes and maintains capital-based projects as a priority over leased units; or
c. preserves needed beds in the current inventory as a primary priority; or
d. leverages other funding creating maximum impact.
As detailed in the FY2015 Continuum of Care Program Competition Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) it is important to note: due to funding limitations, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will not consider requests for new funding outside of the reallocation process, Permanent Housing Bonus, CoC planning and United Funding Agency (UFA) costs.
4. Project proposals will be evaluated in two categories, New Projects and Renewal Projects.
5. The HUD Pro-Rata will be allocated as follows:
a. The Pro-rata identified for each county or sub-region will be reserved for projects from or benefiting those county jurisdictions or agreed sub-regions; with the exception that up to 15% will be reserved or designated for HMIS administration to meet HUD compliance.
b. Pro-rata balance between counties, or collaborative efforts in the best interest of all counties, must be at the agreement of each county included in the pro-rata sharing agreement, and be submitted in writing from each local county continuum affected.
6. Proposals for new and expansion or renewal (continuing) projects will be processed as follows:
a. Renewal projects will be accepted or rejected based on existing performance.
b. Funding for New projects is limited to the Permanent Housing Bonus and proposals will be ranked in order of responsiveness to the NOFA, available HUD pro-rata fund limits and allocations in #5 above, and the criteria outlined below: (Administrative body is the lead administrative entity for each submitted project)
i. Administrative body shows demonstrated ability to comply with HUD and NPCOC requirements
ii. Administrative body shows demonstrated fiscal ability to support the proposed project with the addition of awarded CoC and other known leveraged funds
iii. The Administrative body has good experience working and complying with current and prior NPCOC or HUD funded projects (no adverse findings or performance)
iv. The Administrative body is a participating member of the Northern Panhandle Continuum of Care (Has been attending and otherwise active in the respective local continuum)
v. The project meets an identified homeless/housing population need for the jurisdiction or area applying on behalf of
vi. Administrative body is capable and willing to participant with HMIS requirements
7. Ranking
a. Each proposal will be assessed for meeting the requirements of the NOFA.
b. Each new and/or expansion project will be ranked according to submission requirements and ability to meet the homeless needs of the community.
c. Renewal Projects will be accepted or rejected based on existing performance.
8. Appeals
Project applicants that attempted to participate in the CoC planning process for FY2015 funds in the geographic area in which they operate, that believe they were denied the right to participate in a reasonable manner may appeal the CoC decision not to include their project application in the CoC Priority Listing for FY2015 funds. In order to appeal, the project applicant must have submitted a Solo Application for funding to HUD, in e-snaps by the application submission deadline of November 20 2015 by 7:59:59 p.m. Eastern time. With the project application submitted in e-snaps, the project applicant must have attached a written notice of their intent to appeal in e-snaps. At the time the application and notice of intent to appeal are submitted to HUD through e-snaps, the project applicant must also provide a copy of the notice of intent to appeal to the CoC. The copy should be addressed to the authorized representative from the CoC’s designated Collaborative Applicant. Additionally, HUD encourages the project applicant to share a copy of the notice of intent to appeal to the chair of the CoC Board or the Chair of another CoC leadership committee. This notice of intent to appeal should be sent by email, from the organization’s email address, or by mail, on the organization’s letterhead and signed by the authorized representative.
Timeline for FY2015 Continuum of Care Application Process:
HUD Announcement of FY2015 NOFA: September 18 2015
NPCOC Public Notice: September 25 2015
Letter of Intent Deadline: October 9 2015
Proposal Submissions Due for NPCOC Review: October 20 2015
Written Notification of NPCOC Review: November 5 2015
NPCOC eSnaps Submission Deadline: November 18 2015
FY2015 CoC Competition Closes: November 20 2015
© 2025 Greater Wheeling Coalition for the Homeless. All Rights Reserved. Web Site: TSG